Please Mind the Gap: Defending English Against “Passive” Translation

Published in: Translorial: The Journal of the Northern California Translators Association, May 2010, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 10+.


How has it become acceptable for English to be treated as if it had no country or history?


Let me begin with a simple statement, one guaranteed to have any group of translators howling at each other within minutes: translators can be defined as professional (by which I mean, among other things, that they are entitled to charge money for what they do) solely and exclusively if they work from their second (or other) language into their native one.

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2 Responses to Please Mind the Gap: Defending English Against “Passive” Translation

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Please Mind the Gap: Defending English Against “Passive” Translation | ProvenWrite : Italian to English Translations --

  2. Riccardo says:

    Even if the non-native speaker was able and accustomed to writing good idiomatic English when authoring texts, he should still refrain from translating into English.
    A good example is Beppe Severgnini, who for several years wrote in English for the Economist, but whose books are all translated by Giles Watson.

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