Scuolese, alias Superioriano

È innegabile: in Italia le Scuole Superiori per interpreti e traduttori, insieme a decine di università e altre organizzazioni che offrono lauree in «mediazione linguistica» e «master» in traduzione, riversano ogni anno sul mercato schiere di traduttori nuovi di zecca.

È ovvio che quest’alluvione annunciata implichi un aumento della concorrenza fra i traduttori che lavorano verso l’italiano; ma la cosa sorprendente è che molti di questi corsi alimentino anche la fantasia del «traduttore bilingue» (si veda la sezione Engliano per saperne di più sull’argomento) e incoraggino gli allievi a tradurre verso la seconda o addirittura la terza lingua.

Gli estratti qui riportati provengono da testi tradotti da due diverse persone. In un caso, da un laureato «con lode» presso la Scuola superiore per Mediatori linguistici e culturali Gregorio VII di Roma, che ha personalmente pubblicato on-line il testo stesso come esempio del proprio ottimo lavoro dall’italiano all’inglese. L’altra autrice si è invece laureata presso la Scuola superiore di Lingue moderne di Trieste e lavora «ampiamente» per agenzie di traduzione. Com’è ovvio, si definisce «perfettamente bilingue».

Qui si tratta solo di due esempi, presi tra le migliaia di traduttori spinti da corsi di laurea e post-laurea a considerarsi bilingue, e a mettersi sul mercato della traduzione inversa… e che per giunta poi costruiscono carriere non solo come traduttori ma come insegnanti di traduzione. A quanto pare, nessuno gli ha mai detto che il loro inglese è scarso, e le loro traduzioni vergognose.

Così scrivono i bilingui? Questo è inglese limpido e corretto? Giudicate voi:

Gregorio VII Example 1 In addiction to its endless technical and human resources, Linux clear versatility just represents a suitable tool for the national education system, especially for the Linguistics and Information Technology areas where the Italian Minister of Education Moratti signally failed to reach the goals of her announced reform of the education and training system because she wisely preferred a very urgent internal reform. With regard to schools, whether they are public or private, it is necessary to think about the way in which the future generations can be helped to be on a par with the world governing classes. Such technologic backwardness can not be accepted.Gregorio VII Example 2According to a study carried out by ISFOL (the Italian Institute for the Development of Workers’ Vocational Training), and put before the meeting called “ Creation of Sustainability “, 38 new career positions, which in the not far future are going to be highly requested and fundamental for an economy based on sustainable development, have been reported.

The purposes of this study lay on the necessity to identify new career positions being requested on the market in order to create a society which has to be conscious of the occupational demands, paying attention to everybody’s wellness, but also respecting the environment….

That of aquaculture is an expanding sector due to the huge and constant call for fish products. In this case, actual managers responsible for the management of high quality systems, so being the ones not only to know of biology and zootechnics basics, but also being able to choose productive strategies that will fit the market conditions, will be useful.

University of Trieste “In the meantime the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has received a plea-letter by the lays of the centre-right … to ask for a “soft law” on the living will, which does not regulate in a strict way the issue and leaves space to the will of each person.”“If you want to lose wait, you can just look at the pictures of these delicacies.”“The password for those who decide to spend a holiday in this type of place is “leave home noisy things.”

“This is not the plot of a new film, but the incredible fact told today … of a young Sicilian couple. It all started with the honey money of the young Sicilians. A relaxing cruise, maybe too relaxing, especially for he man, who had to keep an eye on his wife. Because she, a blond 25-year-old, let herself go with a black waiter and had sexual intercourse. Just one, amongst the many had with her husband.”

“So there are 9 million Italians who uses homeopathy.”

“Captain Umberto Nobile, on board the airship Norge, was flying over the geographical north pole, leaving fall-down on the ice pack a Norwegian flag, as well as an Italian one and one U.S.

“Does the fact that the four beautiful ladies part of the government never object – unlike Rosy Bindi – make acceptable their beauty even if they do not have other qualities?”

Where the Gregorio VII program graduate sees “cum laude,” I see, instead, “grossa insufficienza.” What the translator from the University of Trieste calls “perfettamente bilingue,” I call “perfettamente vergognosa.” Yet this is the English that all too many translator-and-interpreter programs consider acceptable.

Here is a simple principle: Professional translators, translation educators, and translation-training programs should discourage students, administrators, instructors, and clients from providing, accepting, or promoting written translation services into a second or other language.

Why would so many translators—and so many translator-training programs—reject such a principle?

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Versione italiana di Isabella Zani.

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